Getting Going

Some days I feel brave and positive and full of bounce.
Like one of those girls of roller skates you see on transatlantic tampon adverts
I can do this life thing and grab it by the balls.
I am that assertive twat that asked the neighbours to keep their yappy dogs quiet
And I almost brought in the cheap shoe gag when coping with a strangely irate woman in Jackson’s Nurseries who belittled the cashier over the price of cushion. 

Today I don’t really feel brave and positive and bouncy.
I feel lumpy and old and I can’t get my head around Google classroom as quick as I’d like.
I want someone to make me soup and rub my hair with cold fingers
And I want to be told it will be alright
Which of course , it will be.
I’m a bit tired, me thinks …and my bladder is playing up today
Dorothy and I are going to sneak under the eiderdown shortly and have 40 winks 

Hey ho

from Going Gently

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