Bright, Bright, Sunshiny day


This morning I completed my second speed awareness course. As bad luck would have it I was sat next to a garrulous and rather irritating woman from Llandudno who never stopped spouting rubbish rather than being parked next to a brooding good looking Welsh farmer called Iwan who sat to her left.
“Chalk it up to experience”  he told me in his sing song welsh accent and I nodded gamely, in that way you do when trying to ingratiate yourself. 
The irritating woman monopolised his attention
The Cow ! 

Yesterday, I started my counselling diploma . 
It felt an important day, and was one that gave me a great deal of food for thought.
From yesterday, I now feel as though I have a life plan.
I sort of know where I am going.
Four years ago ( was it four?) I was financially in dire straits. I was retired, facing the prospect of losing my home, was carless, emotionally fucked and didn’t have a plan of what I was doing and where I was going.
Yesterday I saw the forward path for real, and it felt real and right and exciting.
Completing my counselling course will take me to the age of 63. 
If ( sorry when) I qualify I will be then able to take my own clients whether that be in a palliative care setting or privately, and that transition will allow me to retire properly from nursing after forty one years in the profession. 

The counselling course will push me and I need that. It will push me emotionally, professionally and most importantly academically and sitting in the classroom yesterday, looking over Google classroom and feeling slightly overfaced by technology felt all rather exciting.
I have budgeted for the costs and have set aside monies to see me through the training, and my part time status at work will allow me some balance and downtime.

I have a plan 
And it feels the right Plan 

Touch wood.

I’ve just taken the dogs to the beach. When I am driving now, Roger has got into William’s old habit of sniffing and licking my hair as we go. 
It’s a lovely feeling , all told and I am so grateful he has settled in to the cottage dynamic .

So home is sorted, work is going well and the future has a plan .
What was it the Jimmy Cliff song went ?

I can see clearly now ,the rain has gone ……….

from Going Gently

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