Training Day

Roger needs a settling in day today. 
The household needs one.
He has no experience of cars and little of being walked on a lead , so that was our first job this morning after his restful night in his crate in the kitchen with Mary sleeping in the reading chair next to him

He hasn’t got a clue with the lead so I left it slack and let Dorothy gallop in front.
With her circulating back and running past him, he soon got the idea that walking forward was the plan  and although our progress was stilted, it was a start.

He hasn’t eaten much, but that doesn’t concern me as he happily ran off with a toast crust earlier and has spent the rest of his time copying the others when they have run out to the kitchen wall to greet Jo ( without her Great Dane) and Islwyn who had come to collect the old washing machine with his brother Eric
Trefor called too, but was too anxious to acknowledge the new guy, he’s got worries about British Telicom 
Which I managed to sort out.

When the Amazon delivery man came ,Roger  joined in with the barking more dutifully than not, and when Albert appeared from his feline slumbers at noon, he made a point of backing up five steps to allow the cat space to reach his food bowl on the windowsill 
He’s brighter than William but seems to have William’s gentlemanly  nature, politely ignoring Dorothy’s regular low growls of mild irritation when he ables too close 
He is presently sat at my feet, next to the kitchen table 

He stinks of kennel so we will all be going into the shower together later.
He’s never walked up a house staircase before either, another skill he will learn shortly when the dogs follow me up in order to watch me make the bed.

I call him by his name frequently and cuddle him as soon as he comes to me 
In typical Welsh style he crossed his front paws around my arm to hold me firm.

The guy I dated eleven days ago has ghosted me which is a shame. 
His loss. 
I’m an acquired taste,
I know that

I’m cleaning out drawers today. Gently pottering as Roger finds his feet 

from Going Gently

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