For Debby no!!!!! I mean Lizzy

 Sunday has been a productive day .
After a brief sleep, my brother-in-law came round to help me install my new washing machine. 
( not the easiest job in the world as it turned out) 
The humidity here is 65% , so we were dripping by the time it was up and running with my undercrackers leaping in soapy happy circles.
My brother in law has been a godsend to our entire family over the years as he’s one of those men who can turn his hand to anything practical and I’ve always been very grateful for his consistent smiling support over the years. 
This afternoon , the old washing machine my husband bought is now waiting for the village scrap iron man on the patio and the new all singing all dancing computer confusing washer is working perfectly 
I popped a gift of a litre of nice gin and some internet bought gin glasses to him at teatime 
The glasses were made in Spain which is apt.

I will leave you with some photos of my living room , especially for Debby
And as promised , I haven’t  tidied  up.
I’ve already bought and paid for new carpets for the cottage but these won’t be laid until late September. A few weeks to allow for Roger’s bladder to be  trained by the girls me thinks …..the same carpet will run into every room including the bedrooms

Then the cottage will be finally finished for the time being.
I’m picking him up at 11 am from Alfreton 
His purchase will signal a twenty year relationship with his breeder and from what I understand will probably be my last chance to buy a dog from her which is a poignant thought.
Roger will be my last terrier ….and one of a long line of lovely dogs …Finlay, Maddie, Meg, William, George, and Mary

from Going Gently

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