Toilet news, Towels, The Northman and Chewbacca saves the day

 There seems to be a bit of interest in the location and origin of my second loo! It’s located in the shed outside and was, as far as we were told, non functioning and not plumbed in .
The shed has been the repository for my bike and dog crates for years so I’m delighted to see it resurrected  back into a working, if basic bog! 
Bless the CBM, he got it working and cleaned it up and left some toilet paper inside for me.
That’s going beyond his remit.

I’ve been out for the day, as the rest of the bathroom was ripped out, the new bathroom was delivered and all of the electrics were put in for the shower. I met a friend for breakfast then , not being far from work , I called into the hospice for a long shower, before popping into TK Max to buy some impractical but delightfully fluffy white towels for my new heated towel rail.

After that I went to see the dire Viking “ epic” The Northman which was an hour I’m never going to get back again. I walked out early, tired of the mud and gore . It wasn’t a total waste of time as I popped into the new  flash Marks for some tan paste and practiced with my news at nav on the journey home.

My nephew texted about our forthcoming visit to comic con. Apparently some of my heroes from Tbe Walking Dead will be there! How exciting….
I’m reminded of this incredibly moving clip of “ chewbacca” meeting one of his fans
Now that comic con character has class

from Going Gently

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