Fish & Chips

 When I was a child fish & Chips were a treat.
Sometimes they were bought out of necessity as when for whatever reason my mother was not able to cook 
Rarely they were bought as a planned meal
But covered in vinegar and smothered in salt, they were always a welcomed change from my mother’s bland cooking.
On impulse I bought fish and chips for supper last night.
It was from the chips and kebab house in the next village, the one that got fined for dreadful hygiene.
I remember Boffin Cameron writing ebulliently in the comments of the paper that it wouldn’t stop him going 
Funny what you remember eh.
Anyhow I haven’t eaten fish and chips for over three and a half years, so I had to buy some vinegar to douse the meal properly
It was lovely, with the girls snapping up the fatty bits of batter from my fingers and Albert carefully taking the fish from the window ledge out of reach.

from Going Gently

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