Serve You Right

 I’m not well today, kidney’s playing up.
If my mother was alive she would have said 
“Serve You right for showing off about your pension yesterday”
My mother could be a real cow when the mood took her.
I am reminded of her when anon ( et al) start to micro pick at blog entries and blog comments 
Tiresome all.
Sad Mothers…..and sad people can be real cows


The weather today feels worse than it did when Eunice arrived.
It’s blustery and very wet and cold too.
I walked the dogs earlier and was caught short and had to have a pee behind a tree which caused a few logistical problems .

I’ve put my thickest jumper on today and don’t feel like eating.
I will nap later, covered in dogs.

Speaking of eating, I will leave you all with this charming video.
Tik tok , does post a few amid the crass
It’s rather hypnotic and moving

from Going Gently

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