Oh God not the Beetroot Falafel

It was well after eleven last night when I realised I had not eaten since  lunchtime , a lunch which had been a very tasty but very small beef stew, served by the very cute chef himself 
I raided the cupboards and found a packet of beetroot and chilli falafel mix which was a mistake and moments after I had mixed the bright purple chickpea glup into balls and had started to deep fry them in a Smokey kitchen.
I can’t remember the last time I threw up in the middle of the night.
It was probably years ago in Sheffield after an overly energetic night out at The Ledmill.
But at 4 am this morning , and with an audience to two dogs watching carefully from the doorway, I hurled my purple guts up while hugging the pan moaning loudly  “ Oh God Why” 
Dorothy especially was fascinated by the contents of my stomach and pushed her head next to mine in order to muse with some interest at the lumps and bumps hurling from my mouth. 

I can still taste beetroot this morning.

I’ve walked the dogs , burped my way through an  “interview” by the Daily Post regarding the Church closure and sorted out my new chimney liner ( at last) 
The work will be done next week…..yayyyy
I’m off shortly to Chester to meet an old friend for an early lunch 

I won’t be eating falafels

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/e07f4ok

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