
Every year dozens of new species of animals, insects and plants are recorded on this small planet. I find that kind of mind blowing. There we are sending rockets into space and yet we don't entirely know what we have down here - in our forests, our mountains, our rivers and our oceans.

It is rather tragic to think that as acres of virgin rain forest are destroyed, we frequently lose species that are gone before we have even discovered them.  Collectively, we are meant to be guardians of Earth but evidence suggests that we don't care a fig. We continue to destroy what we have got.

The tiny brookesia nana chameleon shown in the top video was "discovered" just last year though almost certainly it was already known to some inhabitants of northern Madagascar. "Discovered" sometimes means recorded by Science for the first time.

Also "discovered" in 2021 was The Bright Orange Bat (myotis nimbaensis) found only in caves in the Nimba Mountains of West Africa:-

from Yorkshire Pudding

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