“ Who Am I ? Meg Ryan?”

So shrieked Miranda to Che when she made a romantic gesture with a box of cookies in hand in the last episode of And Just Like That! 
She was trying to be something they were not.
If you understand my meaning.

I’m not Meg Ryan . 
And to be brutally honest I’m not Tom Hanks either.
And life isn’t a Rom Com with linear lines of sight towards the final reel.
Life is a bit messy and it shouldn’t be left to serendipity and the action of others.

I’ve booked a short Airbnb holiday, and another film course on zoom. I’ve arranged to join another choir ( the LGBTQ Proud Mary’s in Chester and my Filofax with the birds on it is full of tickets for plays and films and comedy club nights and gigs all planned to be seen between now and the summer. 
I’ve saved and sorted money for the new bathroom and cottage repairs and have let go of the field and I’ve made a score of new firm friends over the past year and even made earthward spoons which look like a caveman has designed them. 

And life is still not a rom com and that’s ok.

The night shift has been long tonight. 
Perhaps too long.
It goes like that sometimes when the patients are settled and medicated appropriately and symptoms of cancer and of illness are soothed and minimised .
Normal sleep is the desired and necessary outcome.

A colleague placed a gift in front of me earlier 
Two expensive scotch eggs, bought with thought and care

And I thought that those Scotch eggs are the real life most of us are lucky to have.
A snippet of affection from someone 
A laugh at a play
Or a gossip with a friend over lunch.
A good film,
So so tickets at the Royal Ballet,
Singing and on line learning and being friends

I’m not Meg Ryan,
but I can be a passable Rosie O’Donnell

This isn’t a moan or a plea for positive affirmations…so,don’t leave any please
It’s just a collection of thoughts and observations 

About stuff……….

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/l7UcxYTfi

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