Lamb Casserole

A friend’s mother died last night.
I asked what, if anything, I could do to make things even remotely better
She told me a lamb casserole with dumplings and a bed for the night
And so that’s what I’m preparing

The power of simple food can’t be overestimated 
It says, without really saying that someone cares.
It brings back the comforts of Childhood
It doesn’t demand anything but the use of a spoon

I’m just been peeling veg.
The casserole pan is warming
The fire engineer comes soon to look at the chimney and I’ve just received the new lease for my field which village leader Ian is about to check with interest
It’s dull and overcast but the cottage is warmed by the oil heaters and feels cosy.

As promised I’d leave you with a photo of one of my new cushions from John Lewis 
I will spare you a photo of the washing up bowl lol

from Going Gently

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