Prayer request

 Im learning in every aspect of my life, I can’t rush time. I can’t snap my fingers right now, and make it happen tomorrow. I have to trust. There was a question about my personal life, and if and when I’m ready to fully discuss that to the last detail I will. I will say dating while disabled is a whole different animal. I have good experiences, where it wasn’t the right fit.  And then we have stories that are not fit for publication. I at first was offended by this comment. This comment, however, has opened the door for me to sincerely ask for prayers in this area of my life. So for the family here that loves me here, please pray for me in this area of my life. I can’t receive the desires of my heart, if I don’t ask. I’ve asked God for years. I need intercession. Maybe I’ve been asking for the wrong things, and didn’t know it. So I ask:  if you would grace me with your prayers, I would be most grateful. One of you said, when you are most vulnerable, you allow love to flow to you.   Im claiming that. I’m tired of trying my way. I’m exhausted. I’m tired of feeling I’m too broken, unworthy. It’s growth. I can’t believe. Im about to hit publish. 

from R's rue

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