

 I never expected to be working full time at 60 years old let alone at 65 or older
(I’m seven months from reaching 60)
And to keep my home safe  and my mortgage paid I will need to be in employment until I am almost 70
Nursing full time is physically not really an option for me I know, so recently I’ve had to seriously review my work future
( an odd thing to say seeing that I’m already in receipt of my nursing pension) 

I’ve decided to complete my counselling degree. 
Back in the 1990s I completed several counselling courses at Sheffield Uni but too much time has gone by for those to be of any use to me now, so I have to push through the degree from the start 
I may be able to incorporate study days from work given the nature of the course but we shall see but the idea in principle seems doable to me and is something that taps into my strengths and abilities 

Another door is perhaps opening 

I’ve always been a late starter…….

from Going Gently

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