
I first met Nu way back in 1989 and for much of the early 1990s I socialised with her three physiotherapist friends in Sheffield and in Liverpool. 

Tonight I was reunited with all three, Dymphna, Gráinne and Hillary as well as Hillary’s husband Brian and Nu’s Hubby Jim. over in Liverpool and 27 years after we first met nothing very much had changed at all.

True , we all agreed , that most of us were now wearing non prescription reading glasses and all of us possessed more wrinkles  than we cared for having but the banter was as loud as it ever was.

And the laughter was as raucous as it was in the ledmill circa 1991 where the girls referred to me with the bizarre and unlikely  nickname of cheese n’ chives and I felt joyfully tearful when they yelled it at me when I left them all, very squiffy in a lovely crowded Italian restaurant on Bold Street


from Going Gently

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