
Di Botcher

The National Theatre production of Follies is a musical which I needed to see.
My friend John, has banged on about it for years, so recently I watched the live production itself to judge for myself.
Generally I loved it. 
It was overlong for sure, and I could have happily done without the last 20 minutes of it, but the sheer scale and chutzpah of the production blew me away, but not quite as you may expect .
Of course the leads Philip Quast, Janie Dee and the powerhouse Imelda Staunton were fantastic but for me it was performances from three supporting follies that moved me the most 

The fabulous Tracie Bennett

Di Botcher as the bespectacled, big haired Hattie (reminding me so much of my mother) belted out the cracking Broadway Baby with fantastic gusto. Tracie Bennett as the spunky and slightly shop worn Carlotta lived I’m Still Here and the elderly Opera singer Dame Josephine Barstow broke everyone’s hearts as the eldest of the follies during her One More Kiss duet.
These three set pieces made the production for me   

Josephine Barstow 

from Going Gently

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