Where My Trust Is Without Borders

This song is running around my head rent free and has been for days.
I don’t have a faith at all, but the words, I find rather moving

I left work early today after taking my time owed and spent a slightly frustrating hour on the phone with Mrs Trellis discussing her ideas for the Church meeting on Thursday as soon as I got home. 

I watched episode 2 of The Walking Dead on my IPad , then had cold homemade leftover  felafels for tea. 
Soon it’s Only Connect on tv with my diet allocation  of gin and slimline tonic
Mary has her collar of shame on as she’s got a sore bum which has been made worse by Dorothy’s licking.
Albert’s got worms , probably caught by eating rabbits.
My friend Alex who lives in Poland has messaged asking me to meet him in London next week
I think we are going to the theatre

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/3zvCEYG

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