
I finished my revalidation paperwork around 6pm 
Just enough time after that to walk the dogs, eat something healthy ( spiced garlic roasted cauliflower with prawns) and chat with a friend, a wisecracking Frenchman called Oli.
By definition, my day’s intense reflections have thrown up a great deal of nursing memories.

One special one came to mind.
A dying patient once asked me to join her in prayer.
She was Jewish so I didn’t quite understand how she thought an agnostic Welshman living in Yorkshire   would fare with such a request.
I compromised by saying that I would sit with her as she prayed.
She needed to be heard

Quietly she recited the vidui prayer of the dying  in Hebrew with her head against the pillow, a hand over her eyes .

And I listened , head bowed

Terribly moved by words I didn’t understand 

from Going Gently

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