
Frances is our daughter. Using her smartphone she has taken some wonderful pictures of our baby granddaughter, Phoebe. To be honest, her pictures put my own efforts to shame. Perhaps I should invest in a smartphone myself - just for the camera. Hopefully, I could disable all the other features. It's just the camera I want.

Phoebe was seven months old on Sunday and to celebrate this on her Instagram page, Frances published a bunch of pictures of the precious babe. I have picked just three of those photos to share with you. Can you see her teeth in the image below? She now has two of them. Teeth can be pretty useful when you're learning to eat. And when you are a messy  eater it's good to be naked. You can always have a bath afterwards.

The picture below was taken in our dining room on Sunday afternoon. Phoebe was not supposed to be eating the card that marks her first seven months. It was supposed to be propped up next to her as in previous months. Little rascal!

from Yorkshire Pudding

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