
 After our walk, I slept for three hours in the reading armchair in the kitchen with an unread and opened book on my knee…and was only woken by Dorothy who was tap dancing on the vinyl in an effort to control her bladder.
Albert joined us for a walk and Animals sat around my laburnum in the graveyard in a circle while I tended to it and watered it. 
Polish Monika with her little daughter stopped, they were chatting in Polish, Mary rushed over to hug the child, who tumbled backwards giggling. 
The dogs ( with Albert) then piled into Bluebell and we popped up to the bus stop in the village to clear one of the untidy planters which had been left unkempt ( I had to keep the dogs with Albert in the car) 
I planted up cheap bedding plants  and will fill in the gaps with white petunia tomorrow.
I hear the village WI and the Papworth’s will be revamping the raised planters on the green on Saturday.
It would be nice if more interested parties would plant up their parts of the village.
Before, home I collected firewood from my sister and lit the stove when I got home
The dogs are tired and are snoring softly . A so-so adaptation of The Lady Vanishes is on the tv.  
Stir fry eaten with chop sticks for supper

from Going Gently

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