Ally mcBeal

 This afternoon Mary and I went to Colwyn Bay
We went to see the new( and very short new Pier) 
It was too hot for Dorothy.
We were standing , looking at it, when I heard a woman’s voice 
“ Hello there” it called
I didn’t recognise the woman but felt I ought to
She introduced herself as the sister in law of one of my favourite patients! One who I will call Holly
I placed her then, of course I did ….
We chatted about things!lockdown and her husband and her work and she asked me to thank the hospice staff for their care but before she left, with a shake of hands she said 
Thank you for dancing with Holly, She told us about it, it was a very special moment for her “ 
I laughed
“ It is me to who has to thank her” I told her “She made me dance in public , something I could never do” 
I told her the story from my perspective 
One day, as part of our last conversations together, Holly asked me what things would be on my bucket list, if I made one….after a long think
I shared that I always wanted to dance in public 

She asked me if I remembered Ally McBeal , and specifically the scenes when the cast would share an over choreographed dance to the velvet voiced Barry White
I told her I did and on impulse we danced the dance together. The music from her phone and me in my uniform and she in her expensive Italian bathrobe that dwarfed her. 
I remember that
She placed her bed table in front of the door , like a teenager to prevent any one else from walking in. 
And we giggled like schoolgirls as we did so

from Going Gently

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