
Yesterday, Clint agreed to take me west once more. It was another lovely spring day when the green of the fields was greener and the blue of the sky was more blue.

We were heading back to the same region I visited on Monday but a mile east of the grouse shooters' cabin. There were squares for The Geograph Project that I needed to bag. Clint parked himself on Cow Low Lane close to Cow Low Farm and immediately began napping - with his mandible relaxed, he soon began snoring quietly. Ewes with new lambs occupied the adjacent fields and some of them rushed towards me believing perhaps that I was the farmer bringing supplementary food pellets.

Hob Tor looking towards Chapel-en-le-Frith

With no public footpaths marked on my map, I headed across sheep pastures under ancient Lady Low with its Neolithic round barrow, then I found ways over or through drystone walls up to Black Edge where I was delighted to discover an unofficial but pretty well-trodden path skirting Combs Moss which is a rough and extensive grouse moor.
TP1406 Black Edge

I walked for a couple of miles towards Buxton, passing a triangulation pillar numbered TP1406 before turning back following  the little path all the way to Castle Naze - an Iron Age hill fort that now overlooks Combs Reservoir. There I found an ancient diagonal path that ran straight as an arrow down Short Edge. It must have been created by the ancients who made the hill fort or perhaps by stone quarrymen of previous centuries.

Farm cottage in Martinside

Soon I was back on Cow Low Lane trudging back to Clint who was no longer napping but singing "Baa Baa Black Sheep" to a perplexed  ovine audience. They scattered as they saw me approaching. Soon I undertook a little diversion to Martinside and on to Chapel-en-le-Frith railway station before heading east once more to prepare a nice chicken curry for Friday's "tea" - which is what northern folk tend to call their main evening meal.

When Nurse Pudding came in the house she said,  "Mmmm! Something smells nice!"

Chapel-en-le-Frith railway station

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/3x0Ixfv

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