Three Weeks

 Do you remember the Monty Python sketch what have the Romans ever done for us ? 
Well in the same vein I’m going to ask
What has the lockdown ever done for me? 

I’ve decorated the cottage living room, bought new chairs, carpet and The Trendy blue sofa as well as a new desk 
My sister has redesigned and rejuvenated the gardens front and back.
I’ve read a score of new books
I’ve rekindled friendships on what’s app video
I have spring cleaned the whole cottage..twice
Re booted my finances and ordered all my paperwork 
And have sorted all my old photographs and keepsakes into files and books
I have learned to sing via zoom
I have zoomed weekly for film lectures 
I have gay quizzed weekly on zoom 
I have cooked and painted on zoom
Zoom is here to stay.
I have been supported by villagers old and new
And have been the recipient of kindness often daily.
I have been able to lend Mary out for cuddles and doggy therapy .
I have watched too much tiktok videos and have walked on the beach
I have been grateful for work and the discipline of getting up in the morning.
I have almost finished my art wall and I have reintroduced plants back into the cottage.

Three weeks to go

from Going Gently

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