Sunday Lunch

Tier 4 has gotten  me into some awful ways .
My day off and after walking the girls at 8am, it was back to bed until midday.
Not good and a very bad habit to get into.
I’ve chided myself for it this afternoon and had a brisk and very cold walk on the beach in way of penance.  
When I returned home I roasted a lamb shank and made Yorkshire puddings from scratch. 
When they were cooked crisp, I shredded the lamb and filled them and added proper gravy made luxurious with cranberry jelly.
I ate my lunch watching How The West Was Won 
Mary won the lottery and had the bones all to herself
I washed my uniforms for the week
and read several chapters of The lost Language Of Cranes before falling asleep in my armchair.

from Going Gently

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