
The late Barbara Windsor in "Carry On Nursing"

I am living a pretty solitary life because of COVID restrictions - always trying to stay safe. Before there was conversation, laughter, people to meet, things to do. COVID has stolen most of that away and you feel it more in these winter months as the virus continues to rage.

My main Sunday highlight was a walk down to our local "Sainsburys" convenience store. There I purchased a four pint carton of semi-skimmed milk and a pack of pork sausages. Then I walked back home. Whoopee-doo!

The second highlight was making the evening meal while listening to Chelsea v Manchester City on the radio. I  grilled two pork chops and prepared delicious potatoes-dauphinoise  with Brussel sprouts, apple sauce and gravy. Dessert was homemade apple pie with vanilla custard.

Ordinary things have become more significant than they used to be. Life has shrunk.

Over in America, Trump has been taped trying to bully  Georgia's Secretary of State  to "find" the votes he needed to defeat Joe Biden. Perhaps my way of looking at things is misguided but to me the contents of the phone call constitute attempted fraud. How ironic when Trump continues to bang on about how the presidency has been "stolen" from him!  He used to lead an unjustifiable  chant about Hillary Clinton - "Lock Her Up!" but in my estimation they really should lock him up instead. Disgraceful. 

What will Monday hold I wonder? More of the same no doubt. More solitariness.  It doesn't look like a day for  a hike in the countryside. Besides, I now need to be at the end of the phone in case our Frances needs us. The grandbaby's due date is January 6th.

Shirley will be off to work today getting her health centre ready for the COVID vaccination marathon. I am so proud of her nursing career. She came to Sheffield at the age of sixteen to undertake a pre-nursing course. In March, she will be 62 years old with 45 years  of nursing behind her - broken only by two maternity leaves. It is a hell of an achievement. As a nurse, she has had to change with the times but still maintains the girlish enthusiasm for her laudable vocation that brought her to this Yorkshire city in 1977.

from Yorkshire Pudding

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