Rubber Chicken Immortalised

Winnie’s Rubber Chicken is being framed for eternity .
I have thought this strange thought ever since I found rubber chicken next to Winnie on the kitchen floor just before Christmas. It’s kind of become synonymous with my dear old girl.

I rang the picture framer the day before yesterday, (the one I’ve used for years ) and asked if it was possible to do 
You want to frame a rubber chicken behind glass” the picture framer repeated slowly after I had thrown the proposal to him 
Yes” I told him cheerfully “ it was Winnie’s favourite “ 
The fact , that he might think that this question was in any way odd surprised me, after all I could have rang him with the request that he framed the last surviving slipper of sex, which I had incidentally found amid a ton of fluff under the bed only a month ago
The picture framer then  ventured into territory he wasn’t quite prepared for.
“Do you want an insert into the frame  some wording .” He asked 
Oh that’s a good idea” I told him. “What about the following” 
“ Winifred Salote Taupo III Queen of Tonga 200? - 2020 “ 
There was a long silence on the other end of the phone
“ I think we can do that “ the picture framer said finally and rather weakly 
He then paused, obviously thinking 
What colour frame would you like ? “ he asked 
“ Pink!” I announced loudly 

Of course!” he sighed “ Of  Course you do “ 


from Going Gently

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