Never Far From Me

My patient was listening to a message from a best friend living under lockdown in another country
I was changing the medication in their syringe driver and was doing so very quietly.
The message was in the form of a song that I recognised and it’s effects were understandably profound and incredibly moving to watch

I’m on nights, covering sickness then I have a week’s leave.
I try to book a weeks holiday every eight weeks or so.
The stressors of hospice work are very different to those exhausting times, I remember on ITU and Spinal Injuries. They are subtle and insidious and lockdown makes recharging a little more challenging 

Any time I feel low
I just don't know how you know
You are never far from me
You are never far from me

Once again, there goes the phone
How could you possibly know

You are never far from me
You are never far from me

Before the time that you go
There is something you should know
You will always be in me
You are never far from me

The song is a beautiful one. 
The scenario I observed was a beautiful one too
And after two night shifts, I’ve sorted out to cover sickness I am off for a whole week 

from Going Gently

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