A Christmas Story 1984

I have told this before but it’s well worth a repeat.

1985, I was a second year psychiatric nurse just starting my “ Long Term” placement on Action Ward at the West Cheshire Hospital in Chester which optimistically called itself a rehabilitation ward.
The patients had already been rehabilitated within an inch of their lives, and non were deemed well enough to be placed into half way house facilities in the community.

I was still very much a new boy at work, and it showed as many of the patients ran circles around me in an environment which reminded me very much of old institution and concrete thinking.

It was Christmas week and my responsibility was for an older patient called Ivy.
All I really remember about Ivy was that she always wore a smart red coat buttoned to the neck and smoked roll ups very precisely. 

She had been in hospital for neigh on thirty years and was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic 
For me , she was benign, polite and compliment with care.
An ideal patient to supervise on a winters day duty.
The Wednesday before Christmas she was allowed to withdraw ten pounds from the hospital bank and together we made a list of what she wanted to buy for Christmas. 
Her list was sparse , given that she had no known next of kin; a few toiletries, tobacco and sweets that was all. So together on a late night shopping day we caught the bus into Chester.

We went to Boots, had coffee in Marks’ cafe and finally ventured into Browns Of Chester to see the Christmas lights. 
Ivy took my arm gamely as we braved the crowds.
We looked like Gran and Grandson rather than nurse and patient.
My confidence increased.
As we passed the perfume counter , a plastic looking woman with a bottle offered Ivy a squirt 
Would Madam like to try some of this?” 
Ivy stopped for a moment and my heart froze for a second but then she smiled and holding her hand out 
Said “ Oh Yes please” 
The plastic saleswoman beamed and gave Ivy a generous squirt on the wrist which Ivy graciously sniffed saying 
oh That’s nice what is it ?”
The saleswoman sensing a sale homed in “ Its new from Dior Madam , it’s called Poison” she crooned

Everything stopped for a millisecond 

Ivy paused, internally I panicked at just what a paranoid schizophrenic might make of this information and the plastic smile never left the plastic saleswoman’s face
A moment later Ivy nodded and seriously replied with an appropriate “ Oh it’s very nice “ 
I sighed loudly as Ivy’s pupils suddenly went a little darker 
And the old lady reached forward and touched the saleswoman on the arm 

“ I knew Hitler  you know “ she whispered loudly and as the woman made a perfect O with her lips she added cheerfully

 “ He had a gigantic cock! ” 


from Going Gently https://ift.tt/34z4FRt

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