My Christmas Card To You


It’s been a quiet night so far. My patients are sleeping pain free and the hospice is silent save for the gentle whirl of the photocopier fan in the office and the cough of a patient .
I’ve started to write my Christmas cards this evening.
It’s been a difficult year for everyone , so I’m taking my time .
The cards have a linen finish and it’s lovely to write on them with an ink pen bought specially for the job.
Another treat realised because of covid
Another small joy out of no where.

It’s been a funny old year all told and one where it may be hard work picking out the good bits.
My 2020 has been a growth year. 
My decree absolute severed those final ties to the divorce I never wanted and despite the lockdown new friends have appeared and old ones maintained through zoom and phone and thought.
I am lucky, luckier than most
Luckier than many

So here’s is my Christmas Card to you readers
It’s is a thank you and a greeting and I send it knowing how supported I feel that you pop in so regularly to read the journals of a very ordinary Welshman who is trying to make sense of a world which is sometimes hard work.
Going Gently is not a public forum with my life up for debate, it’s a place for a ramble and a share and I am grateful for a shared good humour from nearly all of you as I so just that

So let’s all of us have a peaceful time this year.
I shall be working Christmas Eve then hope to meet up with my sisters for a walk and a present swap and perhaps a turkey sandwich and soup in the garden or by the beach.
And that will be nice 

2020 has taught us all to treasure the small and the once overlooked and taken for granted 

But I will be glad when it’s over 

Hey ho

from Going Gently

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