Best Supporting Actors


I’ve just found out that the veteran actress Lynn Cohen died this year
Lynn was never a leading actress, but was, what was known as a jobbing actress. 
Always busy, always in the background of a drama or a story
I always loved her as Miranda’s mother figure Magna in Sex and The City.
and when she finally kissed Cynthia Nixon on the forehead with the affirmation of “ You Love” 
I was in buckets.

Many of us have these supporting actor types in our lives. 
They aren’t best friends or next of kin’s.
We don’t have to see them all of the time , but they are often beavering  away in the background, becoming characters we all can take for granted.
And ones we only mourn when they finally disappear from view.

I consider Albert as an animal member of this group. He walks around the cottage in the background like a shadow, with wide shocked looking eyes and a faint limp which allows the eye to focus on him. But with a succession of various tap dancing bulldogs taking centre stage, he remains to be content with a full food bowl and a quiet corner in which to sleep.

Weaver of Grass (  is another low key constant but a blog one. Never showy , never boastful she has been a quiet queen of blogs for a decade and a half, chatting quietly of country life in North Yorkshire with a pace that is both comforting and consistent. 

Mrs Trellis, Gorgeous Dave, Wendy I’ve been to the ballet once with, Sitges Jon, 
Leo and his texts.....Mick and Meggie and a whole bucketful of names from Sheffield.....the list is long and one I realise so beautifully long as I write my Christmas cards with my gliding ink pen 

On reflection I can think of two dozen such characters, perhaps more who provide a backdrop to my life.
Like Magna they are vital and so important  to ones existence, but like Magna, they always worked away in the background , mostly unsung, but as necessary to us , as air is to breathing 

from Going Gently

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