A Gift Of Flowers


I had a friend over to stay last night.

Now before anyone gets their covid knickers in a spin. 
It was the chap that was ‘ conscripted ‘ into my original and allowed bubble way back in the summer 
Do you remember the one who got village tongues wagging?
He was the one I decided just to be friends with.

And we are friends. 
We talked and talked and laughed and ate and for the first moment in a long time I felt more human.
I felt more human too because of the fact we laughed and talked and hugged and cuddled too.
The hug and cuddle not no more significance than a hug and a cuddle but it reminded us singletons that we are here and valued and pertinent 

It’s 8.30 am and I’ve just taken the dogs out for a quick wee walk
Cup of coffee in hand. 
My friend is still asleep in the spare room, 
So I may take them out for a proper walk.

On the counter top is a glass jug with a bunch of blue iris drinking from it and I smile .
A gift of flowers from a man.

How nice

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/33fA5vQ

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