Good, Bad .......Ugly

 People are just as good and just as bad as they always been
That’s what I think, for what it’s worth
Do they complain more? 
No, I don’t think they do, they just complain differently.
The subject matters of the complaints change with priority changes 
Social media amplifies our perceptions of the complaints 
We see more
We think there is more 
We therefore feel we need to comment more.
It’s a cycle and one that is not always constructive.

This need to comment is a double edged sword.
I love comments on Going Gently but I don’t need criticism 
When I say I don’t need it...I mean it literally....I just don’t need it.
I know myself warts and all. 
I don’t need someone to tell me an alternative view.
I know the alternative view
But some  do love to be experts on absolutely everything
Even me

Today, no matter who you are, you have a bigger voice than people once had. 
You can say your piece to an audience of potential millions
How fantastic is that

A bit jumbled but it’s 6.18 am, so I’m allowed 
My last night Shift is almost over . Back on day shifts on Wednesday 

My thoughts are with Weaver of Grass
I hope someone can tell us how she is doing today
Hey ho

from Going Gently

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