dysgu Cymraeg

The Welsh language is a sing song language
It’s musical and very complicated to learn.
I’m beginning to understand more than I ever thought possible
This is a product of working with more Welsh speakers both as colleagues and as patients 
The secret with Welsh is that the Spoken sentences are often constructed back to front 
Let me give you an example 

When you want to say something like 
“Good morning , sorry I am late”
The Welsh will say 
“Bore da, mae’n ddrwg gen i fy mōd Yn hwyr”
Which Literally translates as 
“Morning Good , it’s bad for me, the time late“

Yes complicated but it kinda makes sense after a while

I will leave you with one of the most lyrical and beautiful of Welsh Hymns
Colon Lân which means a Pure Heart

Nos da
Night good!

from Going Gently https://ift.tt/36u00lH

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