It doesn't mean I spend my whole life looking for them but something will send me off trying to find a meaning for a particular thing that happens in my life. On this particular day quite awhile ago I was in that "wonderment" of life where everything seemed to talk to me. This little baby on a fall day lying on the deck with no life left (damn cat)... really touched me, ...enough to sketch it. I took a photo of it and sat down to sketch this in my nature journal I was keeping at the time.
(For instance, this morning before waking up completely I had a lucid dream and the only thing I remember is a white van with the word "Periscope" drove by on my street and I woke up at that time. The letters were bright- hard to miss and big. I figure the meaning of this will come to me soon. )
So why did the cat put this cute little bunny on the atrium where I would be sure to see as soon as I walked out. I'm thinking after the fact and now years later, that maybe it was a gift from the cat to me. Just recently we had a feral cat bring a chipmunk right to the back door and drop it on the mat outside the door. We have taken good care of her and made sure she always has food and so there was no doubt it was a gift.
So here is what I had found on the internet about "rabbit" medicine.
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