
My old blog friend Mike (Should Fish More), didnt know what a Bunfight was yesterday.
Perhaps it is more a British word than an American one.
It can mean one of two things
A grand , official tea party.....
Or a heated argument.
If I write bunfight, invariably I mean the latter

I've been overdue for a heated argument for a while
One has been simmering in my post decree absolute psychi for a long time now
I've known that for a while now,
I know myself very well.

This morning I was called a fat prick by a skinny, ratty looking man in a sports t shirt .
He had obvious shortness of bone, a shopping trolley full of cheap lager and two badly behaved children who were doing their own thing near the avacados

After trying to negotiate the brats for a while, unsuccessfully I may add, I remarked quietly  to the man to "take control of his children !"
Obviously the rebuke hit home and the man kicked off

A bunfight ensued.

Now I know rebuking another guys kids in front of him never really ends well,
But my blood was up ( as was my blood pressure) and transference needed a way forward

Well, I must thank the young lady who joined in the " debate" after the young ratty man referred to me as a FAT PRICK !!
She reminded the man that it was still dangerous to let kids wander ad hoc and given that covid rates are rising in North Wales
Ratty man told her to "fuck off too!!!"

This  was no arguement that could be won by my usual resort of " Cheap Shoes!!!" As ratty man was wearing very expensive looking trainers
And so  in my best Joyce Grenfell voice I countered with
" I may be a fat prick but you are a fucking ignorant arsehole !" 

On reflection
A double edged sword that reply lol .........

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