This song about blackbirds has been on my mind all morning.

Anyway about the dreams ...First one was a really panicky situation I was in which had to do with some reason I had a court date.  I don't remember now what I had to go to court about but I felt I didn't have the right papers with me and the whole dream was a search to do with that.  

The second dream was about birds - black birds that were descending on my yard and I felt threatened by them every time i would walk outside.  So strange that both dreams made me feel threatened in a way.  I think it had to do somewhat because of  the winds we were predicted to have (strongest in years)  and the power shut offs that could occur.  I packed a bug out bag, just a small one before I went to bed.  I also slept with my window open (very cold and windy...) so I could hear how strong the wind became and if I could hear any sirens.  Being in a small mountain town with really only two roads to get out of here I wanted to make sure I wasn't in the last of the line of cars evacuating.

So I'm now certain as I think it over that my dreams had to do with that.  Especially the one about the court - probably having to do with showing that I had a right as a resident to return to my home.  

So I got up today and my thought for some reason was to draw blackbirds but I wasn't really in the mood.  I found an older sketch and reversed it to make it black.  

Blackbirds singing in the dead of night
take these broken wings and learn to fly
blackbird fly .......into the night of  a dark black sky..   
......... yes I understand those dreams now.  Fear - that was what it was all about - and ...we were fine - our power never did get shut off and the winds here haven't been near as strong as the ones down in the valleys and towards Los Angeles County and mountains and deserts. 


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