
Forever In Our Hearts

It is said that from the roof
You could see to Windsor.
It is further said that eighteen 
Of the victims were children -
Killed by incompetence
And greed and passing the buck
Just to improve the structure's look.
Oh sing me a song of Grenfell Tower
And  flames that roared in that witching hour
A song of seventy two goodbyes,
Tears, excuses and heinous lies.

We hear the anguish of their cries
Forever in our hearts.

In memory of the seventy two residents of Grenfell Tower, West London 
who lost their lives in the early hours of June 14th, 2017. Seven years after
the terrible event, the official inquiry report has just come out. Of course you 
can never get the deceased back but you can give them the posthumous
justice they deserve. Now the families must wait yet more years for
that to happen. The story is not yet over. Not by a long way.

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/syrXAlx

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