
Our lovely Margot at ten months old, heading towards her first birthday in November. Yesterday afternoon, I snapped her picture as she was getting ready to leave. You can't see this but just off camera in the first picture her mama has arrived after  eight hours of home work in her little office. And here's Margot below - presumably saying, "Your Country Needs You!" just like Lord Kitchener.
The sharp-eyed amongst you might recall that Phoebe - now aged 3 years 8 months - wore that very same faux-fur coat when she was a babe. This photo was taken when she was nine months old and on holiday in Canada...
Time keeps rolling on. This time next year Phoebe will be in primary school - the same one that her parents both attended. Margot will be walking and talking. And of course, perhaps less obviously, we are growing older too, day by day, month by month on the merry journey to old age and all that that entails...
Margot, Margot, Margot...
Life's just a passing show
You stand here in the light
Then wave and say good night.

from Yorkshire Pudding

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