

Poor people do not fly in aeroplanes and they do not consume much electricity either. In fact, they demand far less from this over-exploited planet than rich folk do. Shouldn't we all be trying to save this planet by reducing our carbon footprints? Just because you are rich should not give you licence to take more from the planet than your fair share.

When Trump was the president of the USA, he frequently flew south from Washington D.C. for leisurely weekends in Mar-a-Lago. I guess it never occurred to him that a president's job might be a seven day a week commitment. Clearly, it also  never occurred to him  that wasting aviation fuel like that set a very bad example to ordinary citizens. He was using up far more than his fair share and demonstrating a sense of entitlement, squandering fossil fuels like nobody's business.

At the top of this blogpost you have got a picture of Brian Niccol, the new CEO of Starbucks. Starbucks HQ is of course located in Seattle, Washington State but Niccol lives 1000 miles south of there  in Newport Beach, southern California. He has refused to relocate and though some home working can be done in Newport Beach, he plans to fly up to Seattle on at least three days each week. This commute will be paid for by Starbucks.

What a waste of aviation fuel and what hypocrisy too - given Starbucks' declared environmental and sustainability policies! Maybe they were all just cynical window dressing.

Okay, I admit that I am no angel either. I have taken hundreds of flights in my life and compared with other earthlings, I exist in the richest percentile. However, as the years have passed and knowledge about the perilous position of Earth has grown, I have tried to be much more responsible about fossil fuel usage and recycling while seeking to shrink my demands upon the planet.

But it is easy to ask - what's the point if you have people like Niccol effectively wasting what belongs to all of us? I don't care how good he might be at corporate management. Earth matters more. Hopefully, spreading news of this will shame him and Starbucks into a rethink.

from Yorkshire Pudding

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