
 I never thought God would change me. After reading your recent comments, I realized that the change has been so subtle, I’ve not recognized it. I’m kind of glad I didn’t know until now. I would have fought Him. I just didn’t know He was working. And that’s the biggest blessing. I always wonder if I will run out of things to say, it hasn’t happened yet. I’m grateful. I’m grateful He still finds me a viable vessel. 

You gave me the best morale boost telling me I’d be missed if I stopped writing and sharing with you publicly. I used to want to hide. Now, I see that hiding left me to loneliness and despair. I think I continue because the community here affirms my talent, my worth, my humanity. 

There is a lot I don’t know. I just feel I will continue as long as I’m meant to do it. I’m the richest poor person because you love me so well. I never knew people could and would love a person like me. So flawed. A person who needs help daily. And yet through you, He provides. 

What He sees in me I will never know or understand. I love you all. Thank you for being the love of Jesus. It doesn’t matter what you believe. He brings you to me every day. And every day, it’s a blessing I hope to never take for granted. 

from R's rue

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