
Welcome to "Quiztime" - with me your genial host - Norman Bates. This week, the quiz has a theme which is foreshadowed by the image above. I am sure you will soon guess what it is. As usual, there are just ten questions and also as usual, answers will be given in the Comments section. Good luck!


1. Which country does this flag belong to?

(a) Tajikistan (b) Central African Republic (c) Canada (d) Tuvalu

2. This European flag has got a map on it. Which Mediterranean country does it belong to?

3. This is the flag of a South American country... but which one?

4. This is the flag of a famous car company but which one?

5. This is England's flag but what is it also known as?
(a) Queen Elizabeth's flag (b) The flag of St George 
(c) The flag of St  Edmund (d) The Quadrant Flag

6. How many stars are there on the flag of the USA?

7. Which country was the first to plant its flag at The South Pole?

8. This is the flag of a Pacific island nation but which one?
(a) Kiribati (b) The Philippines (c) New Zealand (d) Fiji

9. Which charity does this old flag belong to?
10. Below you can see some Cornish cider in a container but what is that container called?  (Clue: Think about the theme of this week's quiz)

How did you do?

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/nIEidFS

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