
This morning, Mummy went to a cemetery in Hamilton, Scotland. It was to attend her young boss's funeral. You may remember me telling you about his fatal motorcycle accident in Glen Coe a month ago. Apparently there were over five hundred mourners at the funeral gathering and no doubt countless tears. 

Because Frances was up in Scotland last night, Phoebe aged 3½ had a sleep-over at Grandma and Grandpa's house. She attends a nearby nursery school for three days every week and so this morning Shirley took her there.

She is pictured up at the top of this blogpost in our garden yesterday afternoon holding her beloved Monty (a sloth) and dressed in her "Frozen" costume. Also in attendance are Beau and Peep - our famous ovine pets.

Below, Margot, aged eight months, is starting to enjoy sitting in the "Little Tikes" car but because it has no engine and no pedals she isn't going to be travelling far any time soon. She remains the most delightful baby ever. Always smiley and she hardly ever cries. However, in joy rather than complaint, she will occasionally let out an amazing high pitched scream  that could shatter crystal wine glasses.

She likes to grab grandpa's face, threatening to pull off the mask that hides his true identity. And after weeks of resistance she is getting the hang of solid foods now - though it will never be quite like filling her little belly with mother's milk.

We are so blessed.

from Yorkshire Pudding

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