
This post was meant to publish itself on Tuesday June 25th but something went wrong. 
It's probably my own silly fault. Sorry about that.

Glasgow - The Necropolis

This is a scheduled post to let you know that Yorkshire Pudding is away in Glasgow till Thursday of this week. I am there with my wife, daughter and youngest granddaughter, Margot. It's all about our daughter Frances getting to know her Glasgow-based colleagues. At least that was the intention until something terrible happened on Saturday afternoon See my last blogpost.

I haven't really  been back to Glasgow since 1977. I had university friends there and a steady girlfriend called Patricia. Upon reflection, maybe I am telling a lie here because in 1991 I caught a train there before catching a bus to Glasgow Airport. Then I flew to Keflavik Airport in  Iceland for memorable adventuring.

It will be tough for Frances's work team to find a way forward. Ryan created the company and all key decisions went through him. He was the driving force and the energy. It was his baby. Below - the motorbike of death... If only his tape could be rewound to live that day  differently.

from Yorkshire Pudding

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