
On Saturday night, the band Coldplay were the headliners at a big outdoor concert in Luton, Bedfordshire. Beforehand, Chris Martin, Coldplay's lead singer, was being driven along in a Mercedes. Closing in on the venue, he noticed a fan who was clearly in discomfort, leaning against a security fence.

Chris asked his driver to pull up and sixty four year old Saundra Glenn was invited to join him on the back  seat. They drove into the back stage area, chatting away like best friends. Then Chris  asked for her to be driven in a golf buggy to her  ticketed location.

Saundra suffers from osteoarthritis and "a dodgy right hip" so she appreciated Chris Martin's  charity. She said, "He gave me an act of kindness that I'll forever be grateful for."

Being kind to others in an altruistic manner with no thought of personal benefit is something that I think we all applaud. Even though Chris Martin is a very wealthy pop superstar with a personal fortune of over £160 million, he is clearly not too big-headed to assist others.

He has been an emissary for Oxfam and has supported various other charities. In America he has always vocally  backed Democrats including Barack Obama. In 2009, in Sydney with the rest of Coldplay he performed  at The Sydney Cricket Ground to raise money for victims of bushfires and floods in Victoria and New South Wales.

Simple, quiet acts of kindness with no hope of reward or praise are arguably what keeps the human race ticking over. Without such behaviour the world would be a much sorrier place.

In Chris Marin's honour here's a Coldplay song from 2021, performed with the support of Selena Gomez...

from Yorkshire Pudding

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