

We have had some lovely autumn weather this week. Today, Clint propelled me over the hills to the edge of Bakewell which is perhaps the most famous town in The Peak District National Park. I was all set for a nice walk of around 2.5 to 3 hours and had planned a circular route before printing off the A4 map sheet I required.

Soon after setting off, I had to cross Bakewell Golf Course where walkers are invited  to clang a primitive bell  in order to warn nearby golfers that ramblers are around. To say that "Golf ball strikes are painful" seems like an understatement. Each year in America around 40,000 people who are hit by golfballs seek medical attention and though rare, deaths due to golf ball strikes certainly do happen.

After the golf course, I made my way up a steep and rather slippery path through Manners Wood to Calton Pastures which belong to the estate of Chatsworth House - seat of The Dukes of Devonshire. From afar I could see The Russian Cottage which I photographed a year back - go here.

I investigated a little-visited triangulation pillar before heading back into the woods and down the escarpment to Bowling Green Farm which is on the edge of the estate of ancient Haddon Hall - its boundary defined by the metal fence you can see in the image below:-

The path by The River Wye was treacherous after a very wet October so as my  invigorating walk drew to a close I headed away from the river and on to Coombs Road which is where this grand Georgian house is located. For many years, it was a residential home for the elderly but it has been empty for ages now - awaiting the magic wand swish of a housing developer.

from Yorkshire Pudding

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