
I was up quite early today ready for a sixty mile drive to a village in south Nottinghamshire called Norton Disney. I planned to make it the starting point for a long walk but what drew me there in the first place was the village's association with the American film magnate Walt Disney. He visited Norton Disney with members of his family back in 1949.

The d'Isneys were a noble family of French origin who grew comfortable and wealthy in the parish which is still dominated by St Peter's Church where physical signs of the d'Isneys past influence remain. Walt Disney visited the church and saw the relevant tombs and engraved brass work for himself.
Walt Disney in Nottinghamshire in 1949

Below - the tower of St Peter's Church seen across fields...

In a corner of the church I spotted this faded Mothers Union banner which in past times would have been aired on church parades. Such banners are a familiar sight in English churches...

This medieval knight in his stone tomb is I believe Sir William Disney and it dates from the thirteenth century.

It was at this exact spot in the high street that I parked Clint before setting off on a four hour walk. The day was ending by the time I returned. More about that walk tomorrow.

from Yorkshire Pudding https://ift.tt/ygbeuNO

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