
 It’s a little after 9:30 pm here in South Carolina. I happened to open up Facebook because I like seeing parents posting back to school photos. I’m childless and still a sucker for the photos. The smiles send me a warm and fuzzy feeling. I chase those any chance I can. Too much of this world is a depressant, and these children are a shot of sunshine. I expected more photos. I didn’t expect a post requesting urgent prayer. This prayer requires miracles. The only kind the Father can provide. I don’t know if He will answer as I’d like. I have to try. Throw the Hail Mary. So I’m launching. 


Do what

You do

And show

The world

How it’s 


If you’d do me the biggest gift please pray. Thank you for your faithfulness. I saw someone post this, and it hit its target. 

It said:  “Love others as Jesus loves you.  

Thank you


from R's rue

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