
 Train up a child in the way they should go, and they will not depart from it. 

As I’ve mentioned these past weeks have been rough, but let me say God was faithful in my distress. And my distress allowed me to learn to be present. I have no desire to return to the discomfort, but I can acknowledge its purpose. Too often I’m in yesterday or tomorrow. I’m rarely in today. Today has value. I seldom recognize it. In those weeks I read the Word, but it didn’t stick. The Word was moving with me. Every step was act of trust. I had no faith in self, but in Who He has been to me. I don’t have children, but whoever sees me, let them know goodness comes from Him. He becomes the shield that shelters me. 

Cover me

Covet me

As your beloved

Show the children

Who is always there

To soften the blow

And kiss their

Boo boos

from R's rue

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