Forty observations.

 I don’t know what number I left off on, but I was stuck on how to continue. It was suggested I share some small things that make the list too. 

Here we go. 

Eating cold fish at 9pm listening to Bamboleo by the Gipsy Kings brings back memories that are bittersweet. 

Shopping for self with just a pleasure to try on clothes I wouldn’t normally choose. They didn’t work, but enjoyed playing fashion model for a moment. 

Being challenged in a workout, where I thought they were trying to make me insane felt good. Each session I realize doing hard things is where I thrive even when it is the bane of my existence. 

As you get older, you thank God for living in America for creature comforts. Air conditioning and plumbing. 

When I complain about aching limbs, I remember to be grateful to not be missing any. 

Love one another and yourself. 

from R's rue

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