
Every day over at the Geograph website, a new image is picked to be "The Picture of The Day". That has been my honour on several occasions including today. I was pleased to note that a picture I took in January 2022 had been selected.

I remember that day pretty well. It was mild and sunny for the end of January and so I headed out  west of Sheffield to The Derwent Valley. I blogged about that walking excursion here.

This was the image I contributed to Geograph  though I didn't include it in the blogpost:-

As you can see, water from the reservoir behind the dam wall was overlapping it. To the left, waterboard workers were safely burning off unruly undergrowth - hence the smoke. I guess that when you are responsible for an invaluable water supply, it is vital that you maintain the edges of the reservoir as well as monitoring the water itself.

I thought that the swirling smoke in this image suggested that a cloud had fallen from the sky. The map of Great Britain and Ireland at the top shows you the location of this dam - right in the heart of the island of Britain.

from Yorkshire Pudding

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