Moving Forward

I watched bees entering and leaving an old badger sett this morning down Gypsy Lane
They looked like miniature spaceships visiting their mothership.
I sat for an age watching them until Dorothy started her I’m bored antics forcing us to move on.
She cannot abide standing still
It’s a lovely day today and a reflective one again….
Dorothy has the right idea…’s always good to move on.

I listened to Devipravaha again as I straightened the cottage
And opened up the windows to spring

A few more jobs after my bucket of coffee then I will drop the dogs off at Trendy Carol’s before going to work on overtime. The money from my extra shifts will be banked in my savings account in order to pay my college fees.

It feels nice that out of our group the three of us more mature students that have gravitated together are the three that are moving on for further training. 
We even get a cap and gown when we finish Donna whispered as we left our classroom

And that does mean a great deal when I think of it

from Going Gently

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